HTML5 Games For A Pet Healthcare Trade Show

4 min read

HTML5 Games For Pet Healthcare Trade Show

We built a 3-Card Monte game for a trade show on pet healthcare products.

Game Experience


The objectives were:

  • Develop the game for client’s device during the pet trade show
  • Modify game duration to fit into visitors’ time
  • Rebrand the game to feature pet healthcare products

Game Customization for Trade Show Event

Original Game: 3 Card Monte

New Game: Boxes and Cats

HTML5 Games For Pet Healthcare Trade Show

Original Game

  • Tutorial available
  • Casino table theme
  • Endless classic 3-card monte
  • The player only has 1 life before game over
  • Shuffling speed increases with the game
  • Large card models with the Ace of Spades as the hidden object
  • 100 points for every correct guess

Changes Made

  • Removed tutorial, not needed in trade show setup
  • Replaced theme to a pet-friendly motif
  • Shortened game duration to 3 rounds
  • Added predetermined shuffling speed per round: slow, normal, and fast
  • Replaced cards with small carton boxes
  • Set the cat in the box as hidden object
  • Modified scoring based on correct number of guesses, 1 point per correct guess

Trade Show Deployment

The HTML5 game ran offline on an iPad with a 12.9-inch browser. It operated as a mini-rewards game. The prizes are organized as such:

  • All 3 correct guesses = high value freebies and discount coupons
  • Wrong guesses = smaller value prizes

The game had registration features for lead generation.


The game is simple enough for players to have a high chance of winning.

  1. The game starts with 3 opened boxes and 1 cat
  2. The cat hides in the middle box
  3. Boxes are shuffled based on round speed difficulty
  4. Player clicks a box to guess which box contains the cat
  5. The cat gets out from the correct box
  6. The player earns 1 point for every correct guess
  7. The game goes to the next round
  8. The game ends after round 3 with a score display

Player Journey

During the trade show event:

  1. Visitor passes by the pet healthcare booth
  2. Booth personnel invites the visitor to the mini-rewards game
  3. Visitors register at the booth
  4. Visitor plays the game on the onsite iPad
  5. Score is recorded at the end of the game
  6. Booth personnel awards the appropriate prize


Samples of the game in action:

HTML5 Games For Pet Healthcare Trade Show

Closing Thoughts

To learn more about games for trade show events, contact us here.

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